Bahnhofstr. 3a, 82166 Gräfelfing, Germany
 +49 89 21540242


The following information is provided in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act:

CHP Services GmbH,
Bahnhofstraße 3a,
82166 Gräfelfing,

District Court of Munich / Registered Company Number: 230377 (Section B of the German Commercial Register)


Represented by:

Managing Directors:

Phillip C. Campbell
Roland C. Meusel


Telephone: +49 (0) 89 21 54 02 42

Fax: +49 (0) 89 21 54 02 43



Software developed by BLUESHOE GmbH in Munich

Website built using django CMS


Photo Credits:




Legal Structure and Commercial Register Entry:

This is a limited liability company (LLC or GmbH in Germany), filed in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Munich under Registered Company Number 230377 (Section B of the German Commercial Register).


VAT identification number:

Our VAT identification number, in accordance with Section 27 of the German VAT Act, is as follows:

DE 309 800 769


Liability Disclaimer:

The articles published on this website provide general information only. Neither reading, downloading or otherwise accessing this information constitutes a contractual agreement and we are not liable for any advice or information provided. Similarly, we do not provide any legal advice on this or any other website. Within the context of pre-existing contractual agreements, we assume no liability for any information published online; this includes any information sent to us regarding the observation of deadlines. The company (CHP Services GmbH) compiles and verifies all information provided within its scope to the best of its knowledge and ability. There is therefore no guarantee that the information provided is current, correct, complete, or to a high standard. There is also no guarantee that this information will always be accessible.

Irrespective of the regulations outlined in Section 675 Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code, the following liability limitations apply for the range of information provided:

The company and its employees are not liable for damages arising from the use or non-use of information which has been published online. This exemption from liability does not apply in cases of damage to the body (i.e. risks to physical integrity and physical safety). The company and its employees are completely exempt from liability, however, if this information is accessed in any country other than Germany.

We accept no liability for possible damages arising from data which has been accessed or downloaded as a result of a computer virus or as a result of the installation or usage of software.

Web pages which are marked under a person's name contain the views and findings of that person specified therein. The company exclusively reserves the right to change, add to, or delete individual web pages or the entire range of information, as well as cease publication either temporarily or permanently, without prior notice.



Unless otherwise specified, all content found on this website is subject to copyright. This applies in particular to text, images, graphics, and sound, and video/animation files, including their layout and design on the website.

The reproduction or use of these web pages (or any parts thereof) in other electronic or printed publications and the publishing thereof is only permitted after prior approval is provided.

Images, graphics, text, and other files from third parties may also be subject to copyright, either completely or partially.

All brand names and trademarks which are named in this website and (if neccesary) protected by third parties are subject to unrestricted provisions of applicable trademark laws and to ownership rights of the relevant owner of said brand name or trademark. It cannot be concluded that brand names which are merely mentioned on this website are not protected by third parties.


Links and References:

The company is only liable for "its own content", i.e. content which the company prepares for use in accordance with relevant laws. This differs from references (Links) on our website which direct you to other websites. References which are labelled as 'links' to other websites constitute access to external content.

Access to use of this external content is enabled only through these links. We are not liable for this external content, as we did not submit this content, select who receives this content, or select or change the content that has been submitted. Please also note that automatic and short-term caching of external content does not take place when these links are accessed, thus no liability can be attributed to the company for this external content.

However, upon submitting links to external content, the operators of these external websites have verified if any civil or criminal liability may arise. If and/or when the operators of these external websites determine or are made aware that an offer for which a link is provided may give rise to civil or criminal liability, this link will be immediately removed insofar as it is technically possible and feasible to do so. With regards to external content to which links are provided on this website, only the provider of the website hosting this external content is liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete information found therein, and especially for damages which may arise as a result of the use or non-use of information provided by third parties.


Information according to the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters:

We are under no obligation and demonstrate no willingness to appear before an arbitration board for the purposes of Alternative Dispute Resolution proceedings.